Someone convinced you to launch a website and blog. Everything’s up and running, so now what? You may need content ideas.
Finding Content Ideas is Easier Than You Think
One of the best things you can do to make your site show up on Google and other search engines is to consistently add content. Finding enough topics to write about is a challenge many professionals fear. Unfortunately that usually leads to a lack of interest and eventually the whole idea may seem like a huge waste of time and money. The solution may be much easier than you think.
I have 2 blogs, a couple of YouTube channels, draft articles for professional organizations and create content for a number of clients. I’ll admit, sometimes you simply run out of things to say. So yeah, I get it. Here are 3 simple ways I’ve found to easily find content ideas:
1) Listen to the questions asked by your new clients. Generally speaking, you know a lot about your specific area of business, be that law, medicine, therapy, etc. After all, you’re the Subject Matter Expert (the “Schmee”), right? While you may know it, the person sitting across from you doesn’t. When they ask even basic questions, remember many other people probably have the exact same questions. Make a list of those questions and add to it whenever possible. Use your blog and social media properties to provide answers. Google views that as topically relevant content. The more authoritative your site appears, the better it’ll perform for related searches. Listen to your clients. They’ll tell you exactly what write about today.
2) Is there a story in the news involving your area of expertise? Add to the conversation by blogging or making a quick video about it. When topics are covered by the media, it always leads to people looking for additional information. If you join the dialog, you can literally ride the wave that’s already been created. Google wants to serve up information that’s related to a particular issue. If you post about it on your blog, it’s quite possible your content can quickly gain visibility and actually be linked to by others. Take a few minutes to look at the local and national media. What’s currently trending? If it’s a topic you know, jump in…the water’s fine.
3) Most of us read “industry” publications. You may read articles online, have a few print subscriptions, or subscribe to newsletters from trade organizations. These are great sources of content ideas. The important thing to do make a habit of scanning for articles you could comment about on your own blog. By the way, here’s a ProTip: Put it on your calendar. If you don’t add these activities to your calendar, they probably won’t get done.
Content creation doesn’t have to be as difficult as it might seem. By incorporating one or more of the above 3 content ideas, you’ll find more topics that you originally realized. Remember, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Add perceived value based on your personal experience and knowledge. The key is to simply be consistent. The results are going to surprise you.