3 Key Steps for Growing Your Firm in 2015

Blinkers Tavern 318 Greenup St., Covington, KY, United States

Join your colleagues from the Northern Kentucky Bar Association's Solo Practitioner & Small Firm Section.  Enjoy lunch and listen to business consultant Jim Ray discuss:  3 Key Steps for Growing Your Firm in 2015.   Are you concerned with growing your firm’s revenues?  Does the cost of increased advertising threaten your profitability?  Shouldn’t there be […]

2023 Las Vegas Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Seminar

Flamingo Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NV, United States

I'm excited to be returning to Vegas to speak at the 29th Annual Las Vegas CLE Seminar.  This year, my presentation topic is "The Non-Linear Relationship of Value-Based Marketing."  I'll provide perspectives on value-based marketing.  During the presentation, I'll illustrate a technique I developed to increase exposure on multiple social media and traditional media resources […]

2023 Las Vegas Continuing Legal Education Seminar

Flamingo Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NV, United States

I'm proud to be returning to speak at the 29th Annual Las Vegas CLE Seminar.  This year, my presentation topic is "The Non-Linear Relationship of Value-Based Marketing."  I'll provide perspectives on value-based marketing.  During the presentation, I'll illustrate a technique I developed to increase exposure on multiple social media and traditional media resources without significantly […]

Helping You Develop The Business You Envisioned