Join your colleagues from the Northern Kentucky Bar Association’s Solo Practitioner & Small Firm Section. Enjoy lunch and listen to business consultant Jim Ray discuss: 3 Key Steps for Growing Your Firm in 2015.
Are you concerned with growing your firm’s revenues? Does the cost of increased advertising threaten your profitability? Shouldn’t there be another way? There is.
Finding ways to effectively attract new clients is important to your continued success. Join us a for a discussion with a former medical malpractice firm director. I’ve consulted with law firms for over 10 years in the area of business development. I’ll present some important topics, techniques and tips to help you grow your firm’s bottom line.
I’ll provide recommendations for redefining your target audience.
- Looking beyond geography and practice area.
- Understanding your avatar.
- Discovering opportunities for growth.
You’ll learn about some innovative ways to expand your brand’s market presence.
- Going beyond your website.
- Leveraging legal & non-legal directories.
- Repurposing content to save time.
I’ll then share some advice on reinforcing your brand value.
- Implementing video content.
- Answering the important questions.
If you’re responsible for developing a growth strategy for your firm, consider the importance of marketing fundamentals. Growth doesn’t depend on the size of the checks you give to your vendors. It’s about being as effective as possible with the natural assets you already possess.