KY Chapter of the Association of Legal Administrators

This presentation is on the topic of using podcast episodes as a way to produce quality content for the firm.  Many larger firms are still sending out newsletters.  However, a podcast provides the attorney (or a group of attorneys) an opportunity to discuss a particular topic at a much deeper level.  It highlights the expertise […]

2023 Las Vegas Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Seminar

Flamingo Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NV

I'm excited to be returning to Vegas to speak at the 29th Annual Las Vegas CLE Seminar.  This year, my presentation topic is "The Non-Linear Relationship of Value-Based Marketing."  I'll provide perspectives on value-based marketing.  During the presentation, I'll illustrate a technique I developed to increase exposure on multiple social media and traditional media resources […]

2023 Las Vegas Continuing Legal Education Seminar

Flamingo Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NV

I'm proud to be returning to speak at the 29th Annual Las Vegas CLE Seminar.  This year, my presentation topic is "The Non-Linear Relationship of Value-Based Marketing."  I'll provide perspectives on value-based marketing.  During the presentation, I'll illustrate a technique I developed to increase exposure on multiple social media and traditional media resources without significantly […]

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